Here you can find the complete list of my publications, that you can find also on my Google Scholar profile, presentations I've given, talks I've been invited to, and my thesis works. You can find my other works, such as university projects I'm proud of, on my Github profile.


  • 2024 Conference paper | post-proceeding extension of
    R. Verdecchia, K. Maggi, L. Scommegna, E. Vicario
    Technical Debt in Microservices: A Mixed-Method Case Study
    17th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), 2023
  • 2024 Workshop paper | proceeding
    N. Pollini, K. Maggi, R. Verdecchia, E. Vicario
    Learning Programming without Teachers: An Ongoing Ethnographic Study at 42
    2nd Workshop on evaLuation and assEssment in softwARe eNgineers’ Education and tRaining (LEARNER), co-located with 28th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), 2024
  • 2024 Conference paper | proceeding
    K. Maggi, R. Verdecchia, L. Scommegna, E. Vicario
    CLAIM: a Lightweight Approach to Identify Microservices in Dockerized Environments
    28th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), 2024
  • 2023 Conference paper | pre-proceeding extended by
    R. Verdecchia, K. Maggi, L. Scommegna, E. Vicario
    Tracing the Footsteps of Technical Debt in Microservices: A Preliminary Case Study
    1st International Workshop on Quality in Software Architecture (QUALIFIER), co-located with 17th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), 2023

Some statistics:

  • currently, I have co-authored 4 publications;
  • currently, my h-index is 1;
  • currently, my Erdős number is 5.


  • 2024 Presentation | conference relating to
    CLAIM: a Lightweight Approach to Identify Microservices in Dockerized Environments
    International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), Salerno, Italy, 2024
  • 2024 Presentation | workshop relating to
    Learning Programming without Teachers: An Ongoing Ethnographic Study at 42
    Workshop on evaLuation and assEssment in softwARe eNgineers’ Education and tRaining (LEARNER), Salerno, Italy, 2024


  • 2023 2nd Cycle (Master's) Degree | EQF 7
    Institution: Università degli Studi di Firenze
    Course of study: Computer engineering

    Title: Analysis of the Evolution of Code Technical Debt in Microservices Architectures
    Supervisors: R. Verdecchia, E. Vicario
    Co-supervisors: L. Scommegna
  • 2020 1st Cycle (Bechelor's) Degree | EQF 6
    Institution: Università degli Studi di Firenze
    Course of study: Computer engineering

    Title: Design and development of a software component for the derivation of Petri preemptive models from specific timeline
    Supervisors: E. Vicario
    Co-supervisors: L. Carnevali, F. Patara, L. Scommegna